Thursday, May 29, 2008

Still Here

I admitted to being a newbie. And, I see now why so many blogs fail. It's too easy to fall behind and fail to post. Reasons abound, work schedules , home issues, travels, etc. May went by before I knew it. If anyone sees this and has a suggestion on a good way to stay on top of things, other than just putting it in my calendar and forcing the issue...let me know. I suspect the lack of visitors to blog has also had me questioning - "why bother!"


Corie said...

Hi Fred! I heard a good tip recently (one that I have yet to put to good use). A very popular blogger in the "life art" community, Ali Edwards, keeps a running list of blog post ideas. Then once a week she can sit down and write five of them in an hour, post one right away, save four as drafts and set them (or set a reminder on her calendar) to post each day afterward. You could do the same, say, once a month, and then take the month off without having to worry about it. Of course, the topics would have to be generally not time-sensitive. Just an idea!

I admit to falling behind in my own blog as well. Some weeks I post three or four, some weeks none (and more commonly, some weeks nothing "professional." I'm leaning toward personal posts more and more). That's why I love Google Reader; helps me keep up with my favorite blogs without having to check the individual pages every day.

Keep the blog going! I enjoy your matter how frequent!

Anonymous said...

I just logged on to your Blog I hope the survey is going well. I am sure it is difficult to write something on a regular basis. It would be interesting to know how many Blogs are started and then later stopped. And why are they stopped....lack of time? What percentage of Blogs makes it for a year? Keep it up Fred!
