Thursday, April 2, 2009

Upcoming Workshop

The Internet is a tool – not nirvana or the magic bullet.
That’s what PR Lifelines in Health Care conference speaker Kathy Lewton warns health care PR professionals when considering results-driven tactics. Today’s multiple media channels are imposing big changes in the PR environment. Hear what Kathy says about balancing today’s new social media channels with the tried-and-true personally delivered product on the audio podcast below, and get Kathy’s view on how you can stay on top, be proactive, and effectively utilize today’s social media channels by attending the April 10 PR Lifelines conference at the IUPUI Campus Center.

Listen to Kathy Lewton’s audio podcast:

Don’t wait for the April 6 deadline to register for the PR Lifelines conference. Register NOW:

Stay in touch with conference news by following us on:

(And, in the interest of full disclosure and shameless self-promotion - yes, my buddy Dan Millar and I are speaking at this one!...nonetheless, I'd appreciate it if you would consider it, or if can't - at least pass along the information to colleagues and contact lists of those you think might find it interesting. In the interest of keeping this low cost - only $50 for the day - we haven't sent postcards, done ads, or sent expensive conference brochures. - consequently, we're relying on our friends to spread the word!)